2010年8月23日 星期一

White Summer

一個人的穿著確實受到他背後的故事很大的影響: 很顯然你可以輕易地看得出我是從水都威尼斯來的; 白天在港式茶餐廳打工, 休假不用工作的時候我就喜歡打板球..但是板球這個遊戲實在太鄺日費時我真的沒有時間洗衣所以我有幾打同款式的白襯衫以確保我能隨時隨地保持ㄧ慣的帥氣...

One's look seriously has a lot to do with where one comes from: as you can easily tell that I'm from Venice, Italy; working as an assistant chef in the Hong Kong style cafe, and I love playing Cricket on my days off..however the game is so time consuming that I don't really have time to do my laundry so I have dozens of same white shirts to make sure that I can always look sharp..

